Submitted by temelzeynep on February 26, 2019
CDP, which is the world’s largest environmental reporting platform and which Sabancı University Corporate Governance Forum is the Turkish partner of, has accounced its 2018 results in “CDP Türkiye Climate Change Conference”. According to CDP Climate Change and Water Report 2018
- Most of the (93%) responding companies in Türkiye identified inherent climate-related risks with the potential to have a substantive financial or strategic impact on their business.
- Climate change is a mainstream boardroom topic for companies in Türkiye now. Almost all responding companies (95%) stated the Board-level oversight of climate-related issues within the organization
- 81 percent of responding companies in Türkiye have company-wide water policy. A further 92% engage in activities that could either directly or indirectly influence public policy on water. Furthermore, company boards have woken up to water security.
“CDP Türkiye Climate Leaders” have also been announced in the conference. Arçelik, Aselsan and Garanti Bank have been awarded as the “CDP Türkiye Leaders” in the award ceremony.
The opening speech of the conference has been delivered by Simone Kaslowski, President of TÜSİAD; and Steven Tebbe, CDP’s Managing Director of Europe.
The keynote speech has been delivered by Gianpiero Nacci, Energy Efficiency and Climate Change Deputy Head of EBRD.
After Nacci’s speech, Eric Dugelay, Partner of Deloitte Sustainability Services and member of TCFD, gave a speech on how the TCFD can help businesses in Türkiye manage their risks.
Mirhan Köroğlu Göğüş, Sabancı University Corporate Governance Forum / CDP Türkiye Projects Manager, then presented CDP Climate Change and Water Results 2018. She has also mentioned that CDP has undergone a major transition over the past year in order to adapt to the changing global trends on climate change.
The Leaders’ Panel entitled “How do they do it? The Roles of Boards and Executive Managers in Setting the Climate Change Strategy” has been held with the moderation of Zeren Erik, AFD’s Senior Climate and Forests Projects Manager. The panelists were Arçelik’s Sustainability and Corporate Affairs Director Fatih Özkadı, Aselsan’s Corporate Governance Deputy General Manager Hakan Karataş, and Garanti Bank’s Corporate Credits and Project Finance Restructuring Emre Hatem. Independent Board Member of ENI, Karina Litvack has also joined the panel as Guest Panelist.
The presentations made during the conference can be found here:
Gianpiero Nacci's presentation
Mirhan Köroğlu Göğüş's presentation
To read CDP Türkiye Climate Change and Water Report 2018 please click here.
To read CDP Climate Change and Water Report 2018's Key Findings, please click here.
To read CDP Climate Change and Water Report 2018's Summary Booklet, please click here.