Implemented by the Sabancı University Corporate Governance Forum in association with Garanti Bank, the CDP Turkey 2015 Water Program Report was released. The CDP Turkey Water Results Report prepared to analyze the responses of companies from Turkey was presented to the public in a conference at the Zorlu Performing Arts Center on Thursday, December 8, 2016.

Introductory remarks to the main outputs of the CDP Global Water Report and the results of the CDP Water Program in Turkey were given by Garanti Bank Deputy General Manager Ebru Dildar Edin. The keynote speaker of the conference was Coca-Cola Turkey, Caucasia and Middle East President Galya Frayman Molinas. Following the keynote, CDP Water Program Director Morgan Gillepsy presented the CDP Global Water Report results in a live video conference. The CDP Turkey 2016 Water Program results were presented by Sabancı University CDP Turkey Projects Director Mirhan Köroğlu Göğüş.

The event continued with the CDP Water Leaders Panel moderated by Sabancı University Vice President Professor Sondan Durukanoğlu Feyiz. Speakers of the panel were Garanti Bank Deputy General Manager Ebru Dildar Edin, Şekerbank Deputy General Manager Aybala Şimşek and Pınar Quality Manager Birol Delibaş. 

The panel was followed by the ‘CDP Turkey 2016 Water Leaders Award Ceremony’. The ceremony began with a speech by CDP Turkey Reporting Partner Deloitte Turkey CEO Humphry Hatton.

Garanti Bank Deputy General Manager Ebru Dildar Edin, Şekerbank CEO Servet Taze and Pınar Süt Quality Manager Birol Delibaş received their prizes on behalf of their respective institutions.

The conference concluded with closing remarks by Sabancı University Corporate Governance Forum and CDP Turkey Director Melsa Ararat. 

-Please click here for the press release

-Please click here for CDP 2016 Global Water Report

-Please click here for CDP 2016 Turkey Water Results

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