CDP Turkey 2016 Climate Change Report is released with the support of main sponsor Çimsa and CDP Turkey's scoring and reporting partner Deloitte Turkey by Sabancı University Corporate Governance Forum. The report is launched at the event supported by Zorlu Holding on Wednesday 30th November 2016 at Zorlu PSM.

CDP is accepted as the most prestigious green NGO which provides a platform for companies' that can disclosure their climate change strategies to international corporate investors. CDP Turkey 2016 Climate Change Report includes 50 companies' analyses which are the partners of CDP Turkey.

Companies with the 50% of share in the marketing value of BIST-100 Companies, disclosed how they manage the risks and opportunities related to climate change to investors and other stakeholders. Among these companies, 91% of them stated that they are integrating the climate change into their business and 94% of them stated that they are handling the climate change issues at board level. 

"CDP Global A List" and "CDP Turkey Climate Leaders"  are awarded. Two companies, Arçelik and Garanti Bank are listed as "CDP Global A List" which includes 193 leader companies against climate change from all over the world. These two companies are awarded as leaders during the event. During the event Brisa, Coca-Cola İçecek, Çimsa, Ekoten Tekstil, Migros, Pınar Süt and Tofaş are granted as CDP Turkey Climate Leaders.

At the event, Posta Newspaper Ankara Representer and CNN Türk Weekend Program presenter Hakan Çelik moderate the "CDP A List CEO Panel". Hakan Bulgurlu, CEO of Arçelik and Fuat Erbil, CEO of Garanti Bank were the panelsits.  

To access the full version of the report please click here.

To access the press bullettin please click here.

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