The report summarizes the outcome of the Sustainability Index Istanbul Workshop, which was held on January 23, 2014 in Istanbul with the objective of facilitating a discussion between key stakeholders to ensure that the forthcoming Borsa Istanbul Sustainability Index will be beneficial to investors, issuers and the society. 

The report builds on the “background note” published prior to the workshop in January 2014 to help the workshop participants to prepare. The note provides a background review, against which Borsa Istanbul’s Sustainability Index Project unfolds, together with summary information on Turkey’s stock markets, the regulatory framework on sustainability indices constructed in other emerging markets, and the key sustainability issues in Turkey that are material for investors and other stakeholders. The relevant parts of the background note are included in this report to serve as a reference for interested readers. 

The purpose of the report is both to communicate the outcome of the workshop discussions and to offer our commentary regarding the issues highlighted during the workshop and our recommendations for moving forward.

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