CDP, as part of the We Mean Business campaign, provides the central platform for businesses to follow "commit to action" committments  towards a sustainable future. 

To date, the total number of companies committed to bold climate action through the We Mean Business coalition partners’ initiatives has surpassed 1,060 – with a market capitalization of over US$20.1 trillion, which represents nearly one quarter of the entire global economy. And over 100 major companies have committed to the highest level of ambition – setting climate targets across their operations and value chains aligned with limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and reaching net-zero emissions by no later than 2050.

At COP 25, the We Mean Business Coalition is calling on governments to:

  • Commit to achieving a just transition to economy-wide net-zero emissions by 2050 at the latest
  • Strengthen their NDCs and 2030 targets in line with a 1.5ºC trajectory
  • Lay out national policies, plans and laws to enable the achievement of these targets

Please click here for further information.

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