Ahead of the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris this December (COP21), CDP and its We Mean Business partners are inviting companies to look beyond their disclosure and speak out on behalf of the business community in support of a universal climate agreement ahead of the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris in December. Right now, 217 companies have committed to one or more climate initiative. These initiatives are:

- Commit to adopt a science based emissions reduction target
- Commit to procure 100%of electricity from renewable sources
- Commit to removing commodity-driven deforestation from all supply chains
- Commit to report climate change information in mainstream reports as a fiduciary duty
- Commit to responsible corporate engagement in climate policy
- Commit to put a price on carbon
- Commit to reduce short-lived climate pollutant emissions

To make your support for a low-carbon economy public, commit to any—or all—of the innovative and practical initiatives. Join the growing number of companies that have already taken steps to safeguard their future prosperity.

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