Submitted by mirhan on February 4, 2018
CDP Türkiye 2017 Climate Change and Water Program results were announced publicly in “Reimagining Disclosure: The CDP Climate Conference” held in Zorlu PSM on November 28, 2017, Tuesday.
In the conference also “Global A List Leaders” and “CDP Türkiye Climate and Water Leaders” Awards found their owners. The award ceremony was held with the participation of TÜSİAD President Erol Bilecik.
At the ceremony; Arçelik has achieved to be in the Global A List with Climate and Water category and became one of the 25 leading companies all over the world. Besides Garanti Bank, which achieved to be one of the 73 leading companies in the world by entering the Global A list in the Water category; Brisa and Pınar Milk in CDP Türkiye Climate and Water Leaders category; in CDP Türkiye Climate Leaders category Zorlu Energy, Zorlu Natural Electricity Generation and Migros; in CDP Türkiye Water Leaders category Akenerji receiving awards.
Opening speeches of the event were made by Garanti Bank Deputy General Manager Ebru Dildar Edin, Zorlu Holding Energy Group President Sinan Ak and CDP Chairman Paul Dickinson. The keynote speech of the event was made by Climate Bonds Initiative (Climate Bonds Initiative) Director and Callund Consulting Limited Managing Director Nick Silver. The main theme followed by Sabancı University Corporate Governance Forum’s speech. CDP Türkiye Director Melsa Ararat has announced CDP Climate Change 2017 results and CDP Türkiye Project Manager Mirhan Köroğlu Göğüş has announced CDP Water Program 2017 results.
After presentations of reports, Arçelik, Garanti Bank, Brisa and Pınar Süt representatives took part in the “Leaders Panel” moderated by Sabancı University Vice President Sondan Durukanoğlu Feyiz. After the panel, CDP Rating Partner and Deloitte Türkiye CEO Humpry Hutton had the speech. Following the CDP Award ceremony, the event ended with the closing speech of TÜSİAD President Erol Bilecik.
CDP Türkiye Water Report is available here.
CDP Türkiye on Climate Change Report can be found here.
The main outcomes of CDP Türkiye and Global reports, and the press release can be found here.