Submitted by mirhan on February 4, 2018
The world’s most powerful and effective green NGO CDP intended to mobilize the private sector in water resources and this initiative’s CDP Global Water Report and Türkiye results announced with the meeting held in Salt Galata on October 27, 2015.
According to the CDP’s new Global Water Report titled ‘Accelerating Action’, eight companies in total have been awarded the CDP Water A List due to their approach to water management. This list does not have any company leaders from Türkiye.
According to results of the companies in Türkiye reported for the first time; 36% of them state they were exposed to adverse effects from water in the recent reporting year. 64% of the companies report that water has become an important risk for their businesses, while 86% state that water creates opportunities for their companies.
The CDP Water Program was first implemented in 2015 by the Sabancı University Corporate Governance Forum, with the support and cooperation of Garanti Bank. CDP Türkiye Water Results Report has supported while being prepared by Deloitte Türkiye and CDP 2015 Global Water Report results as well and is an analysis of company respondents from Turkey. The Report announced to the public on October 27, 2015, on Tuesday at 10.00 with a meeting held in Salt Galata.
At the meeting, where CDP Global Water Report’s main outcomes and CDP Water Program’s Türkiye results were shared, the opening speeches were made by Sabancı University Vice President Prof. Sondan Durukanoğlu Feyiz, Garanti Bank Deputy General Manager Ebru Dildar Edin. After the video message of CDP Water Program President Cate Lamb, Sabancı University Corporate Governance Forum Director Dr. Melsa Ararat presented the results of the CDP Global Water Report and Turkey.
Please click here to reach summary results of the CDP Global and Türkiye Water Reports.
Please click here to reach the CDP 2015 Global Water Report.
Please click here to reach the CDP 2015 Türkiye Water Report.