The Carbon Disclosure Project initiated by Sabancı University Corporate Governance Forum with Akbank and Ernst&Young Türkiye as the main sponsors, the report shared publicly through events held on 3 November 2014.

Program Flow

14.00-15.30: Speakers

Opening Speech: Cenk Göksan, Akbank Investor Relations and Sustainability, Senior Vice President

Sue Hoewell, CDP Vice President (Click to access the presentation)

European Commission Video Message: Jos Delbeke, European Commission, General Director of Climate Action (Click to access video message)

CDP Türkiye Climate Change Report Results: Dr. Melsa Ararat, Sabancı University, Director of CDP Turkey (Click here to access the presentation)

CDP Climate Leaders Panel: Moderator: Dr. Artunç Kocabalkan

15:30-16:00: CDP Türkiye Climate Change Leaders Awards Ceremony (with participation of TÜSİAD High Advisory Board Chairman Erkut Yücaoğlu)

16.00-17.00: Cocktail

In the event where CDP Türkiye Climate Leaders were awarded, this year “CDP Climate Performance Leadership Index” (CPLI), and “The CDP Climate Disclosure Leadership Index” (CDLI) was also announced for the first time. Tofaş Automotive was the only company entering the list of global “CDP Climate Performance Leadership Index” (CPL) from Turkey.

Awards for “The CDP Türkiye Climate Leaders” gone to Garanti Bank, Coca-Cola Beverages, Zorlu Energy Electricity Generation, EKOTEN Textile Industry and Trade Inc., and Noor Fındık. The award ceremony was held with participation of TÜSİAD High Advisory Board Chairman Erkut Yücaoğlu.

CDP Türkiye 2014 Climate Change report can be found here.

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