The Carbon Disclosure Project (Carbon Disclosure Project - CDP) initiated by Sabancı University Corporate Governance Forum and supported by Akbank, is in its third year in Türkiye.The Carbon Disclosure Project, which is an important step for companies to share their greenhouse gas emissions and climate change strategies with international corporate investors, is considered the most prestigious and widespread environmental initiative in the world.

The CDP Türkiye 2012 Report prepared by Sabancı University Carbon Disclosure Project team with contributions of the Ernst & Young Türkiye, includes analyzes of responses of companies involved in the project and main trends of climate change in Türkiye. The number of companies that responded to the CDP Türkiye 2012 Report in which the preface is written by Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan, Akbank Chairwoman Suzan Sabancı Dinçer and the Carbon Disclosure Project CEO Paul Simpson, was 20 in 2011, this year the number increased to 32.

The increase in the number of companies included in the report was not only due to companies that are in the ISE-100 index, but also the companies not listed in the ISE-100, publicly or not.

At the announcement meeting of the CDP Türkiye 2012 report, Akbank CEO Hakan Binbaşgil had the opening speech, and after, Chairman of the Aviva Investment Paul Abberley with Sabancı University Faculty Member and the Carbon Disclosure Project Türkiye Director Melsa Ararat had speeches. While Paul Abberley was focusing on concluded declaration titled 'The Future We Want' after the United Nations Rio+ 20 Summit held in Brazil, June 2012 and this manifesto’s effects on current sustainability and climate reporting systems, Melsa Ararat, announced the results of CDP Türkiye 2012 Report and CDP Carbon Disclosure and Performance Leaders.

In the Rio + 20 Summit Final Declaration, Aviva Investment's President Paul Abberley in his speech expressed their agreement on governments to request companies to disclose their data on climate change and sustainability. In his speech, Abberley said, “Aviva Investment believes in the importance of disclosing the environmental, social and governance data of the companies within the scope of corporate company strategies so that its customers can make more accurate investment decisions. "The Carbon Disclosure Project is one of the main drivers of this trend and in this way plays a leading role in making the relationship between sustainable economic growth and financial markets more effective."

CDP Türkiye Carbon Disclosure and Performance Leaders were awarded. While CDP Türkiye 2012 Carbon Disclosure Leader was Arçelik, the award was presented by Sabancı University Rector Nihat Berker to Arçelik Deputy Director General Ismail Hakkı Sağır. While Garanti Bank awarded by CDP Türkiye 2012 Carbon Performance, the award presented by Ernst & Young Türkiye Chairman of the Audit Department Dilek Çilingir to Garanti Bank Sustainability Committee Member and Vice President of Project Finance Ebru Dildar.

You can access the full report from the link.

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