Submitted by firuze.alpaydin on June 22, 2020
10th Anniversary of CDP Türkiye was celebrated with an online conference on 9 June, 2020. CDP Türkiye Climate Change and Water 2019 Results and CDP Türkiye 2019 Leaders has been announced. The main sponsor of the conference was Garanti BBVA and the report sponsor was Deloitte Türkiye.
Sabancı University Corporate Governance Forum Director Melsa Ararat and Garanti BBVA Deputy General Manager Ebru Dildar Edin made the opening speeches and the main speaker was Ekrem İmamoğlu, Mayor of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality.
CDP Türkiye Projects Manager Mirhan Köroğlu Göğüş has shared the details of the results of CDP Türkiye Climate Change and Water Report 2019.
President of TÜSİAD (Turkish Industry & Business Association) Simone Kaslowski also made a speech in the conference.
This year, 7 companies in Türkiye has been awarded by CDP:
- Eti Soda has been entered to CDP Global Water A List.
- Arçelik, Aselsan, Brisa Bridgestone, Tekfen Holding and Migros has been CDP Türkiye 2019 Climate Leaders.
- Tekfen Holding and Yapı Kredi Bankası has been CDP Türkiye 2019 Water Leaders.
- Brisa Bridgestone has been CDP Supplier Engagement Rating Leader which is CDP's latest company rating category.
After the award ceremony, a panel was held with awarded companies' leaders. The panel was moderated by Sabancı University Faculty Member Oğuz Babüroğlu. Brisa Bridgestone CEO Cevdet Alemdar, Tekfen Holding Chairman Murat Gigin and Migros CEO Özgür Tort has participated the panel. The panel discussed how leading companies strategically tackled climate change over the past 10 years, the changes they have undergone in this process, and the opportunities brought by them.
Please click here to reach CDP Türkiye Climate Change and Water Report 2019.
Please click here to reach CDP Projects Manager Mirhan Köroğlu Göğüş's presentation. (TR)
Please click here to watch the full recording of the conference. (TR)