CDP Turkey 2015 Climate Change Report is releades by Sabancı University Corporate Governance Forum with support of Akbank and Deloitte Turkey. The report was released in Sakip Sabanci Museum, the Seed Center, November 19, 2015. Creating a platform in which companies can share their strategies towards climate change with their institutional investors, CDP is considered as the world’s most prestigious and widespread environmental initiative. 2015 Turkey CDP Climate Change Report includes the analysis of the responses from 46 companies in Turkey.

From 2011, the number of companies responding has increased 250%. 95% of the responding companies reported that they are approaching climate change as a senior and board of directors level issue. In addition 89% stated that they are integrating climate change into their business strategies.

The opening speech was made by Akbank Investor Relations and Sustainability Department Manager Cenk Göksan. After that, General Secretary of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Christiana Figueres’s speech was featured. The keynote speech was made by, Amra Balic, Head of BlackRock Europe, Middle East and Africa Corporate Governance. Amra Balic’s speech was followed by Paul Dickinson, Executive Chairman of CDP. Melsa Ararat, the director of Sabanci University Corporate Governance Forum and CDP Turkey, gave further information on 2015 CDP Global Climate Change Report and 2015 CDP Turkey Climate Change Report. The speeches were followed by the award ceremony.

During the ceremony, CDP Turkey Climate Leaders were rewarded and companies from local “CDP Climate Disclosure Leadership Index” ,TSKB, Brisa, Garanti, Turkcell and Arçelik, were given the “CDP Turkey Climate Disclosure Leader” award. Garanti Bank was the only Turkish company that was in the global “CDP Climate Performance Leadership Index” list  and therefore was given “CDP Turkey Climate Performance Leader” award.

You can find the complete 2015 CDP Turkey Climate Change Report here.
You can reach the newsletter including the summary of the report from here.

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