Submitted by admin on February 4, 2018
Date: 17.04.2014
Time: 14.00 - 16.00 (GMT + 02.00)
10 Min Introduction to CDP
Please find the presentation here.
15 Min Benefits of responding to CDP - TUI Travel
Please find the presentation here.
10 Min CDP requests – the basics
Please find the presentation here.
5 Min CDP alignment – 5 min
20 Min CDP Climate Change Questionnaire – 20 min
1- Overview of the questionnaire
2- 2014 Sector Modules
3- Top Tips
4- Verification
5- QnA
20 Min Scoring
1- Introduction to Scoring
2- Investor Use of Scores
3- Scoring Myths
4- Score Weightings
5- QnA
Please find the presentation for CDP Climate Change questionnaire and scoring here.
10 Min Looking Ahead
5 Min New regulation
10 Min CDP reporter services
Please find the presentation here.