Submitted by ikara on March 13, 2018
In February 2018, CDP on behalf of investors will ask over 6,000 listed companies to respond to the climate change, water and forests questionnaire. The disclosure request for 2018 has been updated for sectoral relevance and alignment with TCFD recommendations.
In 2017 over 3,100 companies disclosed to CDP but there are still many major corporations in high-impact sectors which are not capitalizing on the benefits of disclosing environmental information.
For the third year running CDP is launching the Non-Discloser campaign, a parallel campaign to the overall disclosure request, aimed at further encouraging companies to disclose. The campaign focuses on companies that have never responded or have not responded to the CDP questionnaire in recent years. The past campaigns proved to be quite effective and in 2017:
• 57 investors took part in the Non-Discloser campaign.
• In total, 428 companies were contacted.
• As a result, 63 more companies decided to disclose to CDP.
Across the three programs Climate Change, Forests, and Water, the average response rate of the Non-Discloser campaign was 18.1%, more than twice as high as the response rate of the non-disclosing companies not targeted by the 2017 campaign, whose response rate was 8.9%.
CDP invites signatory investors to sign or co-sign letters, in collaboration with other investors requesting disclosure from previously non-reporting companies that an investor wishes to target.