The CDP Global Climate Change Report 2015 offers a global analysis of the current state of the corporate response to climate change. For the first time, CDP compares the existing landscape to when the world was last on the verge of a major climate agreement. By comparing data disclosed by 1,997 companies in 2015 with the information provided by 1,799 in 2010, the report tracks what companies were doing in 2009, ahead of the ill-fated Copenhagen climate talks at the end of that year.

The companies that disclosed through CDP’s climate change program this year were requested to do so by 822 investors representing US$95 trillion in assets. They span 51 countries and represent 55% of the market capitalization of listed companies globally.

Key messages:
- Clear momentum of company and investor climate action;
- Corporate world is increasingly climate transparent and accountable;
- We are on the threshold of an economic revolution;
- Continued action, meaningful corporate commitments and an ambitious global deal at COP21 will be the tipping point that brings the change we need.
- Company actions on climate change have gathered momentum in the past five years and signal corporate support for a low carbon economy;
- Investors recognize the strategic opportunity presented by the transition to a low carbon global economy and are increasingly seeking corporate accountability and using data to inform their investment decisions;
- CDP is driving the mainstreaming of measurement, transparency and accountability in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect our climate; and
- An ambitious global deal at COP21 is needed to unlock the corporate world’s full potential and help ensure emissions reductions are in line with science (by 2050).

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