Submitted by isil.oral on December 8, 2022
CDP Türkiye 12th Climate Change Virtual Conference was virtually held on 19 April 2022. The opening speeches of the conference were delivered by Garanti BBVA Deputy General Manager Ebru Dildar Edin and CDP Founder and Board Member Paul Dickinson.
The keynote speaker of the event was Gonzalo Muñoz Abogabir who is the High Level Climate Action Champion for the 25th Conference of the Parties (COP25). After his speech, the results of the CDP Climate Change & Water 2021 Türkiye report were announced by CDP Türkiye Projects Manager İdil Zeynep Dağdemir, CDP Türkiye Director and Principal Investigator Prof. Dr. Melsa Ararat commentated the report.
The panel with the theme "The End of Uncertainty in Public Policies and the New Business Normal" moderated by Volkan Ediger, Director of Kadir Has University Center for Energy and Sustainable Development. The panelists were Global Head of Value Chains & Regional Director Corporations Sonya Bhonsle, EBRD Climate Strategy and Delivery Managing Director Harry Boyd-Carpenter, Garanti BBVA Sustainable Finance Manager Seray İmer and Chair of Energy, Environment and Climate Change Roundtable Cevdet Alemdar.
The companies that received awards within the scope of the event were also announced after the panel discussion. Finally, the conference ended with the closing speech of Sabancı University Corporate Governance Forum Director Ata Can Bertay.