Endorsed by nearly 400 companies in 65 countries, Caring for Climate is the UN Global Compact and UN Environment Programme’s initiative aimed at advancing the role of business in addressing climate change. Caring for Climate signatories commit to communicate on an annual basis on progress made in implementing the five areas of commitments as outlined in the Caring for Climate Statement.

Caring for Climate recommends utilizing the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) reporting process to develop the COP Climate, as the CDP currently stands as a more rigorous tool in reporting GHG emissions and climate change strategies on an annual basis. The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Global Compact Advanced Communication on Progress (COP) can also be used.

Publicized CDP Questionnaires allow companies to completely fulfill the aforementioned criteria of the COP-Climate.

Signatories who are submitting CDP questionnaires as their COP-Climates are also suggested to send a PDF document or an active link to the publicized report to the Caring for Climate Secretariat.

More information on how to join Caring for Climate, you can visit the link.

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