In a report released in June by CDP 82% of cities identify the potential for economic growth as a result of climate change mitigation and adaptation. More than half the participating cities identify opportunities to create green jobs and new business initiatives. Despite the substantial prospects for green growth from tackling climate change, just under a third of cities expect new sources of funding for tackling climate change.

Measurement for Management: CDP Cities 2012 Global Report shows that reporting cities cite a wide variety of financial drivers for climate change action, with nearly a third of cities expecting improved energy efficiency of their operations and a fifth recognizing the increased energy security that action on climate change affords. However, job creation and industry growth are by far the most prominently cited opportunities with 55% of cities anticipating the creation of green jobs and 53% predicting new business from clean tech industries or the development of new low-carbon economy technologies.

All the reporting C40 cities and 81% of the total 73 disclosing cities are responding to the urgency of climate change by implementing range of carbon emissions reductions activities, from education programs to waste management. With 64% of these initiatives funded through generak municipal funds, cities, less than 1% of city-wide emissions reductions activities reported by cities are financed by world development banks.

Please find the CDP Cities 2012 Global Report in the following link.

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