In recognition of its work to catalyze the transition to a profitable low carbon economy, drive greenhouse gas emissions reduction and sustainable water use by business and cities, the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), which is carried out in Turkey by Corporate Governance Forum of Sabancı University, has been awarded the top accolade in the SME & NGO category of the Zayed Future Energy Prize.

Now in its fourth year, the Zayed Future Energy Prize has swiftly established itself as one of the most prestigious awards for modern solutions that will meet the challenges of climate change and forms one of the main features of the World Future Energy Summit, held in Abu Dhabi. Designed to celebrate and encourage leadership and innovation in sustainable development and to establish more effective long-term approaches to energy consumption, the Awards attracted 1,103 nominations and 425 submissions from participants in 71 countries.

CDP is a global independent not-for-profit organization that works to prevent dangerous climate change and protect natural resources such as water through the efficient allocation of capital in order to create long-term prosperity. Working closely with investors, business, cities and governments, CDP provides a transformative global system for thousands of organizations around the world to measure, disclose, manage and share environmental information and reduce their energy consumption, carbon emissions and water use.

“We are delighted to be honored with a Zayed Future Energy Prize,” said Paul Dickinson, CDP’s executive chairman, “We have been working hard for over a decade to reduce greenhouse gas emissions around the globe by using the power of information. We believe we are catalyzing real change across the global business system through measurement, reporting, transparency and analysis, creating the win-win scenario of profitable, low carbon growth.  This award is testament to the role that a green economy can play in facilitating sustainable economic prosperity and CDP’s role in driving that.”

Over 3,700 companies and cities across the world’s largest economies have been influenced by CDP to measure and disclose their greenhouse gas emissions, climate change risks and water strategies.  The largest collection of self-reported climate change data in the world is held by CDP.  By putting this insight at the heart of business, investment and policy decision making, CDP is enabling corporations and governments to mitigate risk and capitalize on opportunities stemming from climate change. This information also allows the investor community and the public to understand which companies and cities are acting most responsibly in relation to climate change and water use and to make decisions that drive action towards a more sustainable world.

Melsa Ararat, the director of Sabancı University Corporate Governance Forum of Turkey and the director of Carbon Disclosure Project, stated, "This award will strengthen the role of Carbon Disclosure Project in its battle against climate change for Turkey and the world".

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