An innovative approach to investor research from CDP highlights which of the world’s largest auto companies are best positioned to benefit from regulatory change and those that will struggle without adapting their business models. The international not-for-profit organization holds the largest collection of corporate environmental data.

In ‘No room for passengers: are auto manufacturers reducing emissions quickly enough?’- CDP’s sector research ranks auto manufacturers in a league table (see end) based on a number of different emissions-related metrics. Taken in aggregate, these metrics could have a material impact on a company’s earnings in a global auto market where emissions regulation is tightening. Fleet emissions regulation now covers more than 80% of global auto sales.

This research focuses on the regulation in the EU, US and China with the ranked companies, which responded to CDP’s questionnaire, accounting for around 83% of the global auto market by sales volume.

These rankings are not intended to identify definitive winners and losers for investment purposes, but rather to indicate strategic advantage in an industry where there is a significant regulatory impact on all major auto markets.

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