Water security – access to a reliable supply of sufficient amounts of good quality freshwater – is fundamental to achieving our low carbon ambitions. Without improved water resources management, the transition to a low carbon future, and achievement of the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals will be jeopardized. 

At the same time, climate change is expected to have direct negative impacts on the availability and quality of freshwater resources. Both situations will have spillover effects not only for global populations, but for business continuity and growth. 

The Business Alliance for Water and Climate (BAFWAC), a partnership among the UN Global Compact’s CEO Water Mandate, CDP, SUEZ and WBCSD, has set out a program of actions for companies who wish to demonstrate their commitment to being responsible water stewards. It is supported by UNFCCC and was launched on December 2nd during the Resilience Day of the Lima-Paris Action Agenda. 

Companies have the opportunity to be at the forefront of an important movement within the sphere of corporate responsibility. Early action and leadership will be beneficial to companies’ bottom lines, as well as the communities and environmental systems upon which they depend and impact. Adopting this commitment will promote their work to institutional investors whilst giving these important stakeholders confidence that the company understands the risks, is taking effective action, and increasing business resilience. 

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