119 cities globally recognized as leaders in climate action and transparency have been awarded by CDP. The sixth edition of the Cities A List highlights cities demonstrating transparency, motivation, and consistency in the fight against climate change, showcasing a paradigm shift in environmental awareness.

40% of the cities on the 2023 A List are new participants. Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality and Kadiköy Municipality from Turkey were awarded among the 119 local governments, marking Turkey's debut on the A List. Additionally, many cities from the Global South, such as Indonesia and Vietnam, have entered the A List for the first time, demonstrating the widespread expansion of climate action.

Globally, Europe continues to dominate, with the highest number of cities on the 2023 A List (48). It is followed by North America (42), Latin America (11), Asia (8), Oceania (6), the Middle East (3), and Africa (1). The United Kingdom also saw an increase in the number of local governments on the A List from 19 to 26, continuing its upward trend.

Given that 80% of cities are addressing the dangers of the climate crisis, recognition on the A List emphasizes the critical role of urban areas in climate change. A global movement towards sustainable urban practices not only provides encouragement but is also essential for securing a resilient and environmentally conscious future.

You can access the full CDP Cities A List via the provided link.

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