It is over ten years ago that CDP began to pioneer a global disclosure system for companies to report their environmental impacts and strategies to investors. In that time, CDP has accelerated climate change and natural resource issues to the boardroom and has moved beyond the corporate world to engage with cities and governments. The CDP platform has evolved significantly, supporting multinational purchasers to build more sustainable supply chains. It also enables cities around the world to exchange information and take best practice action to tackle energy and natural resource issues and build climate resilience. Further, we assess the climate performance of companies and drive improvements through shareholder engagement.

Expanding to cover a wider spectrum of the earth's natural capital, specifically water and forests, alongside carbon, energy and climate, we outgrew our former name of the Carbon Disclosure Project. Changing our name to CDP, as we were already known to many, was a natural step to take as we continue to catalyze action and respond to the needs of the global marketplace. We adopted a bolder, more dynamic look and logo to reflect the scale of the work we must undertake in the coming years to realize truly sustainable economies.

• Over 4,100 organizations, including 81% of the world’s largest public companies, use CDP to disclose their impacts on the environment and natural resources to stakeholders;
• 722 investors representing US$87 trillion, that’s more than half the world’s invested capital, request corporate climate data through CDP;
• We now operate in over 60 countries across six continents and engage with governments globally.

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